What is Club Cartridge Green?
Club Cartridge Green is an ink subscription that gives you the freedom to print whatever you want in whatever quantities without having to worry about the cost of the ink. If you are one of the many millions of people that have fallen into the trap of buying cheaper printers only to find that the cost of the ink is astronomical, then you need to consider the freedom to print that free unlimited ink will give you. We want people to Be Print Happy which is why when you choose one of our money saving packages you will be able to print whatever you want and never have to worry about the cost of ink again! You probably have questions we have heard before so there’s plenty of information here that you might find useful. Back to Top

Say Hello to Free Unlimited Ink
Like the many thousands of our customers that are now enjoying the free unlimited ink that comes with our Total Freedom package, you are probably wondering if we really are offering free unlimited ink and what’s the catch? Well there is no catch, no ink usage limits and not only that, we’ll get the ink delivered straight to your front door no matter where you are in Ireland! All you have to do is switch printer and choose your package. Back to Top

Money Saving Ink Packages
In order to pick the money saving ink package for you, you first need to switch to a new printer. We offer you a range of choices with different specifications and functionality. These include:
- Wireless connectivity
- Print, scan, copy and/or fax
- A3 printing
- Duplex printing to reduce paper costs
- Document feeder
And when you choose your printer, you then pick the ink package that suits your pocket and expected print volume! Here are your two options:
Total Freedom is an annual subscription that gives you totally free and unlimited ink for your printer. There’s no fair usage, no caps and no hidden charges – its free unlimited ink. This package is a year in duration but can be renewed each year at an even lower renewal rate so you can continue to enjoy your Freedom to Print! With Total Freedom, you can also avail of our postal service with cartridges delivered to your front door so no matter where you are in Ireland, you can enjoy free unlimited ink. And if your print needs have changed we will automatically switch you to the Fiver Forever package (see details on this below)
Fiver Forever is for lower or intermittent print users and it gives users €5 printer cartridges – Forever. There are no time limits and this package is great if you don’t print a lot but still want to save money. You can also upgrade to the Total Freedom package at any time if your print volumes increases.
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Irrespective of the money saving ink package you may choose, there are some other reasons why you should switch to one of our printers.

How it Works
Once you have subscribed you can print as much as you like. And when your cartridges are empty simply drop into your local Cartridge Green store and we will refill them for you straight away.
If you are using the postal service then place your empties into the posting envelopes we provide and pop them into your nearest post box. We will return the cartridges to you ready to go again the same day we receive them.
Sounds easy right? Well it is for you but not quite for us!! One of the reasons we can offer such attractive and great value ink packages is that our uniquely created back end system manages all the subscriptions, subscribers and usage. This means that we are able to track your print usage and advise if you are on the correct package for your needs. This gives you the confidence to know that we will always ensure your ink costs are the lowest you will pay. This system also combats fraud meaning we can continue to offer you amazing value!
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No Ink Limits – Really?
How many times do we have to say it?
There are NO LIMITS on the amount of ink you receive when your Total Freedom package is active. You can send us as many cartridges as you like as often as you like. The only rules are that they have to have our barcodes and sent with our envelopes. We want people to enjoy the freedom to print so go crazy and print lots and lots! Back to Top

Ink Delivered to your Door!
So you don’t live near one of our stores but would like free unlimited ink. No problem at all – if you have got a letterbox and can access a post box, you can get your free ink! All Total Freedom subscribers have the option to use our dedicated postal service. This postal service is set up so that cartridges are shipped in a safe, fast and cost effective manner. Just mention that you want to avail of this service when you sign up and we’ll sort it out for you! Back to Top

Package Costs
Package costs vary according to the printer functionality you require. However pricing starts at only €79 – not bad for a years supply of free ink!!!
If you are interested and want to find out how much your package will be, the best thing to do is visit your nearest store to see the range of printers in stock and discuss your needs with one of our fully trained team. See our store locations.
If you do not live near and want to avail of the postage service option, contact us directly and we will talk you through your options. Contact Us.
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Packages for Business Users
Anyone that prints can sign up and there are printer options with fax, duplex and document feeders specifically for business users. However the printers supplied use inkjet technology and are designed for lighter print volumes – they will not cope with ongoing heavy print volumes and should not be used to replace a business laser printer. If you run a small or home business then the Total Freedom package is the perfect solution that will allow you to confidently budget your annual printing costs.
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Terms & Conditions
A copy of the terms and conditions will be given to you at the time of purchase. But don’t worry – as the man says, there’s no sneaky stuff! The main thing that you have to remember is that we place dedicated tamper proof barcodes on your cartridges. This is to manage your subscription and combat fraud so we cannot accept cartridges without these barcodes
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Packages for Business Users
We bet you know someone who would like free unlimited ink too! Why not share your new found freedom to print with your friends and family and make them print happy too! And for each new person that you refer, we will extend your Total Freedom subscription by an extra month – why not refer 12 people and get a year totally free!
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